devoted to helping others learn more about who God is and who He has called us to be through the study of His word.

Hi, I’m Bri!

I have a passion to communicate the truth of the gospel through speaking, singing, and writing.

The Bible can seem daunting at times… 66 books with over 40 different authors, over a period of 1,500 years in three different languages. And yet, God has made a way to speak to His people through it all, but how?

My passion is to help break down the Bible in a way that you can understand and apply it to your life. From the garden of Eden, to Kind David, Jesus on the cross and Paul during his missionary journeys, God’s grand narrative points to one main theme: His love for you through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus.

God loves you and wants to give you a life full of love, fulfillment and communion with Him. Join me in discovering what the Bible is really about, who God really is, and the Good News of living life with Him.

xoxo, Bri

Past Speaking Engagements:

  • Kids Live! at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, 2018

  • Jr. Worship Speaker at WinShape Camps for Girls 2019-2021

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John 8:13

“…and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”